API / Integration*

  • New functionality! The SIGNiX API now supports the use of text tags in a document to locate and place PDF fields and tasks for signers during a SIGNiX transaction. This is in addition to SIGNiX support for PDF fields already in a document. Using the API, integrators can identify a string of characters, and then, using a coordinate system, let SIGNiX know where to place signature, text or other fields, and to who those tasks will be assigned. The coordinate system used is similar to that of other eSignature competitors, so the work involved in bringing other tagged documents over should be minimized. The API documentation can be found here. (SIG-1029)

  • Resolved an issue where signers in the same Workflow Order in a SubmitDocument call would create an error when the Wizard was displayed after a GetAccessLink-Submitter call. (SIG-897)

User Experience 

  • Updated behavior of buttons on the Status tab in the Wizard to prevent multiple clicks from being registered on Resume / Cancel / Suspend controls, which could potentially cause transaction issues. (SIG-2238)


  • None.


  • Updated PDF rendering tool to resolve uncommon issue where certain unembedded fonts in a PDF would be shown in SIGNiX as illegible characters in certain scenarios. The actual PDF was not affected. (SIG-2244)

  • Credential errors for SIGNiX API calls have been updated. (SIG-2204)

  • Foundational elements built and added to code base to eventually support conditional logic for integrators to build simple conditional logic to enable or disable fields based on input in other fields on a document. Please contact SIGNiX if this is a use case you are interested in us supporting further. (SIG-2127, 2157)

Other Items

  • Updates added to support forthcoming product releases (SIG-2242)

Known Issues

  • Rare 'datatable' error displayed in certain scenarios in Wizard. SIGNiX continues to try to reproduce reported error.

Please let your SIGNiX representative know if you have any questions. Thanks for your business!

*Feature is optional and may be available for an additional fee.